
Semi Private Classes (max 3 couples)

New Parent Marathon
This class combines a condensed version of the Childbirth Education, Breastfeeding and Baby Care classes for the parents whose schedule cannot accommodate the full classes.  No coupons apply for this class.
Childbirth Education
This 6 hr class prepares new parents for the labor and birthing process. Topics include signs of labor, stages and phases of labor, breathing techniques, a BASIC introduction to some labor comfort techniques, pain relief options, basic newborn and postpartum information. A video of a vaginal delivery and discussion of cesarean delivery are also provided.
Bringing Home Baby
This 3-4 hr class prepares new parents for life with a baby. Topics include characteristics of the newborn, expected hospital procedures, diapering, swaddling, feeding, bathing and more. Car seat safety and basics of infant CPR will also be discussed (although please note this is NOT a CPR certification class). This class is best taken BEFORE delivery.
Breastfeeding Basics
This 3 hr class prepares the expectant mom (& support partner)  planning to breastfeed. Basics of breastfeeding including process, proper latch, positions, breast care and more will be discussed.